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Showing posts from March, 2017

Trending in Arrests/Crime

Each week, we will post an arrest of interest pointing toward arrest and crime trends within Arcadia. Recently, on a Friday evening, a man was sitting on a bus bench near Baldwin Avenue and Camino Real Avenue. A black Ford Crown Victoria pulled up behind the man through an adjacent business parking lot with the headlights shining in his direction. Two subjects got out of the Crown Vic, shining a spot light from the passenger side at the man. The two subjects approached the man telling him they were with Arcadia PD and to stand up. The subjects lifted their windbreakers revealing some sort of badge on their waists. One subject began to "pat-down" the man and removed his wallet and cell phone. The subject looked through the wallet but as an unknown person walked by, the subjects ran back to the Crown Vic, leaving the wallet and phone. There was no money in the wallet at the time. The subjects left and were last seen driving west on Huntington Drive. The subjects were both descr...

Weekly Tip - Dog License and Leash Law Info

Dog Licenses   Licenses are required for all dogs over the age of four months, along with proof of rabies vaccination. If the dog is spayed, proof of sterilization is also required when obtaining the first license.   Licenses may be purchased on a yearly basis at the Cashier's Office at Arcadia City Hall located at 240 W. Huntington Drive or at the Pasadena Humane Society.  The following are current City of Arcadia license fees:   $30 for non-spayed animals $15 for spayed animals $15 for senior citizens with non-spayed animals $7.50 for senior citizens with spayed animals License forms can be downloaded  HERE .   Leash Law   When on public property, all dogs must be kept on a leash not exceeding six feet in length. In addition, when walking a dog on a public street or in a public park, you are responsible for the prompt and sanitary disposal of any feces left by the dog.   Animal control services in the City of Arcadia are provided by the Pasadena...

Trending in Arrests

Each week, we will post an arrest of interest pointing toward arrest and crime trends within Arcadia. Drug arrests are not uncommon and this past week saw a batch of different events involving possession or under the influence of drug arrests. One event of interest involved a group of four persons who were driving in West Arcadia Tuesday morning at 3:00 am with no headlights on. An officer stopped the van they were in for vehicle code violations and contacted all four subjects. Two of the subjects were in the rear of the van behind a cage, one lying on the floor and another seated in a folding chair. Ultimately, all four subjects were removed from the van and during the officers' investigation, a quantity of heroin, methamphetamine, and marijuana was found during a search. Other items such as a scale, syringe, and currency was also found. Jason M. Giannini, 27-year-old male from Tujunga, Sevan Asatoorian, 33-year-old male from Glendale, and Juan C. Fuentes Jr, 27-year-old male from...

Weekly Tip - Child Seat Safety

During the week of March 26, 2017 through April 1, 2017, the Arcadia Police Department Traffic Bureau will be conducting directed enforcement focused on child seat safety. During this week officers will be targeting drivers who allow children to ride in vehicles while not properly restrained. Education is a significant deterrence when it comes to child seat safety. Educational materials will be handed out to area schools and officers will be available for questions regarding child seat safety. Motor vehicle crashes remain the number one cause of death for children and young adults. In 2014, over 6000 children under 14 were killed or seriously injured as a result of vehicle crashes in California. Sixty-three percent of children who died were unrestrained. California law requires children to ride in a safety seat or booster, in the back seat, until they are at least eight years old. However, most children need a booster seat for proper belt fit until they are 10 to 12 years old. SafetyBe...

Congrats and Welcome to Our Newest Police Officer

Congrats are in order to Officer Sergio Machado. Sergio graduated from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Academy Class #419 last Friday and was named Honor Recruit for his class! This award is given to the recruit who achieves the highest numerical average based upon leadership qualities, academics, marksmanship, and physical performance throughout the training period. Sergio served in the US Army for a decade, no doubt playing a part in this well earned honor. Sergio is pictured with Sheriff Jim McDonnell and Chief Bob Guthrie. We are honored to welcome Sergio to the APD family!

This St. Patrick's Day, Plan Before You Party!

Remember: Impaired Driving, Drugs and Alcohol can Kill St. Patrick’s Day has become one of the nation’s favorite holidays to celebrate and party. Unfortunately, too many people are taking to the roads after drinking, making the holiday one of our most dangerous. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 252 people lost their lives in drunk driving-related crashes during the St. Patrick’s Day holiday period from 2011-2015. More than a fourth of them were killed in drunk driving crashes that occurred in the early morning, post-party hours (midnight to 5:59 a.m.).  That’s why the Arcadia Police Department and the California Office of Traffic Safety are teaming up to reach all drivers with an important life-saving message and warning: Don’t Drive Impaired by Drugs or Alcohol. The Arcadia Police Department will deploy additional officers on special DUI Saturation Patrols to stop and arrest drivers showing signs of alcohol or drug impairment. In addition to...

Trending in Arrests

Each week, we will post an arrest of interest pointing toward arrest and crime trends within Arcadia. Bait package arrest again leads to much more than a parcel theft. Last Thursday morning, officers were alerted to a GPS enabled bait package being taken and quickly located the suspect vehicle in the 300 block of West Duarte Road in Monrovia. Officers tried to stop the suspect vehicle, a small U-Haul box truck, but the driver fled. Officers pursued the vehicle on streets and the 210 freeway, discontinuing the pursuit due to the driver's dangerous actions. At one point, the driver used the truck to collide with and push another vehicle out of the way in order to get around the other vehicle. Dispatchers continued to monitor the GPS location of the bait package, ending up in the City of Azusa.  With the assistance of the Foothill Air Support Team (FAST), officers from Azusa PD were able to locate and detain both the male driver and a female passenger after they fled from the U-Haul t...

Weekly Tip - Enjoy a Safe St. Patrick's Day!

On a holiday like St. Patrick's Day, there is no doubt that many folks will be celebrating long into the night. The Arcadia Police Department encourages everyone to party responsibly and to not drink and drive. Here are some quick statistics from the  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  and the  National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) : Every day, 32 people in the United States die, in motor vehicle crashes that involve an alcohol-impaired driver. This amounts to one death every 45 minutes. The annual cost of alcohol-related crashes totals more than $51 billion. Here are a few tips to avoid becoming a DUI statistic: • Designate a non-impaired driver to take you home or pick you up • Celebrate at home and stay there • Be a good host, offer those who have been drinking a place to spend the night • Call a taxi • Don't ignore the problem. If you are with someone who is intoxicated, don't let them drive. If you see someone attempting to driv...

Spring Forward 1-Hour Saturday Night

Day light saving time begins this Sunday, March 12, 2017, at 2:00 a.m. Don't forget to move your clocks ahead one hour before you go to bed Saturday night!

why we all need to work

My title page contents i was in a class at the federal university of agriculture, abeokuta some years back when a professor of science was ask why he is working.    many student thought the lecturer never knew the right answer to the question. the lecturer preceded and said ' i know many of you thought i am working for popularity or academicalarity (jokingly), but he said my main reason of working is for me to survive; that is for me to eat' to the student we where suprise, and he continue and said the primary reason of working is to feed one-self. On the face of it, that’s a stupid question. We work to put food on the table and a roof over our heads, of course. We work toward the prospect of children in college and ourselves in rocking chairs. In other words: we work because we have to. TIME is running a series of stories called Why We Work in which we explore the q...

Dare to Prepare - AAA Pre-Permit Teen Driver Safety Workshop

Dare to Prepare is a FREE workshop for teens (14-15 yrs) and their parents. Information will be provided on obtaining a permit and driver's license, along with other tools, tips, and useful information on the learning to drive process. Visit to sign-up!

Trending in Arrests

Each week, we will post an arrest of interest pointing toward arrest and crime trends within Arcadia. This past Saturday night to Sunday morning saw a cluster of thefts from unlocked vehicles in the Village area of town off Michillinda Avenue. A couple of the vehicles were reportedly locked, but there was no forced entry found by officers. Cash, credit/debit cards, and a camera were among some of the items taken in the thefts. At least 7 cars were gone through. Officers recalled detaining a male subject for a similar theft within the last few months in close proximity to this batch of crimes. The subject lives nearby in the unincorporated County area. The officers went to this subject's home and spoke with him, ultimately finding a debit card taken in one of the theft cases from overnight. The subject was arrested and booked on felony charges. However, when the case was presented for filing, the District Attorney's Office felt there was insufficient evidence to proceed at this...

Weekly Tip - Install Your License Plates

California law requires all registered vehicles that were issued two license plates, properly display both plates on the vehicle. Basically, all street legal cars are required to have two plates. Many times, vehicles may be purchased from dealerships that do not install a front license plate mount to the vehicle. This is not an excuse for failing to properly display and mount the license plate. A driver may be stopped and cited for not having license plates properly displayed.  Some communities, like Arcadia, issue parking citations to vehicles that are parked without plates properly affixed. Simply having the plate in your car or tossing it on the dash board does not suffice. Please install your license plates according to   CVC   5200   and  CVC   5201 .   The law was modified in 2011 to also require the plates be mounted so that the characters are upright and display from left to right.  Take a look at the links provide...

Trending in Arrests

Each week, we will post an arrest of interest pointing toward arrest and crime trends within Arcadia. This past week, our bait program helped nab 7 folks in three separate  events for felony theft incidents, including both the bait bikes and packages. One case is described below: About 1:30 a.m. last Sunday morning, a bait package was taken from a front porch in the 300 block of West Longden Avenue. Officers quickly located the suspects and vehicle still in the area. During the investigation the bait package was found inside the suspect vehicle, along with stolen mail from multiple nearby locations in Arcadia. All four occupants were arrested. Oscar L. Juarez, 32-year-old male from La Puente, Krista E. Moreno, 32-year-old female from El Monte, Veronica Rendon, 22-year-old female from La Puente, and Noah F. Sargent, 20-year-old male from Whittier were all arrested and booked on felony charges at the Arcadia City Jail. Two of the arrestees are on Post-Release (County-Level) Community...

Weekly Tip - APD Social Media Not Monitored 24/7

Although the Arcadia Police Department's Social Media Team is very diligent about monitoring our various social media platforms, the sites are  not monitored 24/7 . In the event you have an emergency, immediately dial 911. If you wish to report a crime or have questions requiring immediate assistance, please use our business line at 626.574.5150. We do enjoy engaging with the community through social media and will always work to reply in a timely manner when possible.