Examine.com is a website that provides unbiased information on supplements and nutrition. They publish the Examine.com Research Digest (ERD), which reviews the latest studies in these areas. I like ERD because it does a nice job of curating recent science, making it understandable and engaging for a broad audience, and explaining important background information. They have no conflicts of interest because they don't sell anything except information. I've been a scientific reviewer for ERD since the beginning. Examine.com is celebrating its fifth anniversary today. To celebrate, they offered to put together a custom issue of ERD using five of my favorite articles. I chose articles I thought my audience would enjoy. You can download your free copy here (PDF). If you like it and decide you want to sign up for ERD, there is a link in the PDF, or you can visit this page . They're having a sale today, so if you're thinking about joining, ...